Monday, May 24, 2010

Some more help with c++ plz?

i only have one minor and one more than minor problem left

the program goes like this

int option;

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter 1 to encrypt, 2 to decrypt, 3 to quit"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


while (option!=3) {

if (option==1) {

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter a message to encrypt (! to quit)"%26lt;%26lt;endl;

char letter;


while (letter!='!'){

if (letter=='k') cout%26lt;%26lt;"1 ";

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else if (option==2) {

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Enter a message to decrypt (0 to quit)"%26lt;%26lt;endl;

int code;


while (code!=0){

if (code==1) cout%26lt;%26lt;"k";

26 more if stats





return 0;


ok the not so minor problem is that i need this program to "reset" (start with the first phrase) every time after a message is decrypted or encrypted, but it will keep repeating the end/dec based on what you did

what do i need to change

and also where do i need to put the endl; to not have the press. any key.. right after the decryption is shown

Some more help with c++ plz?
put a do...while loop around the whole thing.

If you're running this within the VC++ environment, it's the environment that's producing the "press any key" button - you can't get away from that unless you run the executable outside of VC++.

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